This conference will provide a room for discussion between representatives of state administrations and experts from the non-profit sector. The objective of the conference will be to discuss the possibilities in relation to the implementation of the Council Recommendation on trans-national mobility of young volunteers focusing on five main areas of activity: improving the level of knowledge of volunteering schemes; developing opportunities for trans-national European volunteering; developing basic quality standards for these activities; ensuring the appropriate recognition of non-formal learning outcomes of young volunteers; and providing support and training for those who work with young people with a specific focus on the involvement of young people with fewer opportunities in international volunteering.
Thematic fields: Volunteering, Youth mobility, European Youth Policy, Recognition of
non-formal learning, European Citizenship
Target group: Policy makers, Youth workers, Researchers, Young people active in the
field of trans-national volunteering
Number of participants: 110
Type of event: Expert conference
Participation: Ministries responsible for youth from Member states, candidate and EFTA
countries are responsible for nominating the participants (2-3 per country).
Working language: English, plenary sessions will be interpreted to Czech
Venue: Kongresové centrum Praha/Congress Centre Prague, Czech Republic
The delegations are expected to arrive on 11th March during the day. Dinner will be provided at 7:00 p.m.
The Conference is going to be held from 12th to 13th March 2009 and the delegations are
expected to depart on 14th March during the day.
This Czech Presidency event will jointly be organised by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
Republic, the National Institute of Children Youth and the European Commission.
The programme design of the event will use interactive and participatory methodology to trigger practically oriented
discussions and produce concrete results relevant for the implementation of the above mentioned
Recommendation. The thematic focus will comprise:
- information about existing cross-border volunteering opportunities for youth;
- development of new opportunities for cross-border youth volunteering;
- quality assurance, incl. protection and safety of young volunteers;
- recognition of non-formal learning experiences gained trough volunteering
- promotion of cross-border volunteering activities to youth workers and youth organizations and other
Moreover, special attention will be paid to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and to the
implementation of cross-border volunteering schemes on all relevant levels (local, regional, national, inter-national
and European).
Participants will be policy makers dealing with youth policy at European and member-state levels, NGO representatives
and young people experienced in trans-national volunteering as well as researchers focusing on youth and
Programme of the conference: programme_youth_1.doc (276.50
Information on the workshops is to be found here.
Read about the ‘Youth in Action' Programme, the European Union programme for non-formal learning for
2007-2013: Brochure_YiA.pdf (478.08 KB)
The event is prepared with financial contribution from the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture)
Mgr. Tomáš Bouška
tiskový mluvčí MŠMT pro CZ PRES
tel.: +420 257 193 426
fax: +420 257 193 753
e-mail: tomas.bouska@msmt