ENIC is European Network of Information Centres in the European Region developed in order to enhance academic mobility, higher education and qualification recognition. ENIC was founded by the Council of Europe and UNESCO in order to facilitate academic mobility and to realise the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region CETS No.: 165 signed in Lisbon on 11th April 1997.
The network is connected by information centres of individual states of European UNESCO region and government bodies as their founders. The main aim of the ENIC network is to provide information for the stakeholders and public about the contemporary issues in international academic and professional mobility as well as the procedures of foreign degree and qualification recognition.
NARIC are National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union developed in order to facilitate the recognition of foreign degrees and qualifications. NARIC has been founded by the European Commission to improve the procedure for the member state of EU and EEA (European Economic Area). The main aim is to support academic mobility, activities in the area of foreign degree and qualifications recognition and providing information on the national and foreign education systems.
In the year 2004, both networks adopted Joint ENIC-NARIC Charter approved by the committee of Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications. Both ENIC and NARIC networks closely cooperate, preparing annual conferences and developing a mutual website www.enic-naric.net where information about all ENIC-NARIC centers can be found.
Our activities
Czech NARIC is an integral part of the international center ENIC-NARIC (http://enic-naric.net/).
Its main activities include:
- cooperation with national information centers of other countries
- gathering information about academic recognition and mobility
- expert consultation
- providing information about the Education System of the Czech Republic
- assisting in promoting mobility of students, teachers and researchers
- supporting and executing the Lisbon convention
- cooperation with higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and other stakeholders
- organizing seminars and workshops on recognition of foreign education
- participation in the EU and international projects – IMPULS, IMPACT, SCAN – D project, GO-ERP project consortium, AR-net: Automatic Recognition in the Networks in 2020
Information on the process of recognition of foreing education in the Czech Republic
- Recognition of foreign Higher Education in the Czech Republic
- Recognition of foreign education - basic, secondary education
- Recognition of qualification in the Czech Republic
Recognition of
professional qualification
- Database of regulated professions and professional activities
Recognition of education acquired abroad.doc
Information about Authentication of Czech university diplomas:
Information about Acreditation comission:
Information about Czech Higher education:
Where can you find us?
ENIC-NARIC is functioning under the umbrella of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports at the address Karmelitská 7,
Praha 1. You can also contact us by email enic-naric@msmtcz.
Contact Czech ENIC-NARIC Centre
MŠMT – Department of Higher Education (30)
Karmelitská 7
Praha 1
118 12
Seminars and conferences
Past events
June 2018 ENIC-NARIC ANNUAL MEETING, Prague, Czech Republic
8th December 2014 ENIC-NARIC Seminar organised by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports at
Karmelitská 7, Prague 1
5th December 2014 Annual meeting of the National Academic Information Recognition centers meeting in
July 2015 Joint Meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks
17th July 2014 Conference Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications conference in
Brussels, information from the meeting and themed videos can be found at http://conference-easq.teamwork.fr/en/programme
11th September 2014 ENIC-NARIC seminar for Czech university authorities responsible for diploma recognition
at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
9th July 2014 UNESCO conference on Global Recognition
6. – 8th July 2014 21st Joint Meeting of ENIC and NARIC Networks in Rome, Italy organised by the
European Commission, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, NARIC Italia-CIMEA and the Holy See ENIC centre in collaboration
with LUISS University.
9th July 2014 UNESCO konference: Global Recognition
Important information
Study in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic offers traditionally high quality education ensured by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Wide range of interesting and unique study programmes are offered by high rank public universities taught both in Czech and English languages. Czech universities are involved in international cooperation and mobility programmes both in EU and internationally.
Applicants from EU countries share the same approach and treatment as Czech students with the exception of students from the Slovak Republic who can fulfill their study obligations in Slovak. Studies are free of tuition fees for those students, who are able to study in Czech language. However, those students could be required to provide a proof of language knowledge (inapplicable for Slovak students). There are tuition fees for those students wishing to study in other language than Czech. According to paragraph 58 of the Higher Education Act, the cost of tuition fees is decided by the universities. Foreign students can also apply for scholarships available at http://www.studyin.cz/scholarships/ . Should the foreign student remain in the country for longer than 3 months, he or she is obliged to apply for the long-term visa for the purpose of “study”. Students coming from a country exterior to EU must apply for visa. More information about visa for the purpose of study is available at http://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/information-for-schools-and-students.aspx?q=Y2hudW09NQ%3d%3d .
List of officially recognised HEIs in the Czech republic
Useful links
International website of ENIC-NARIC center http://enic-naric.net/
ENIC-NARIC Netherlands http://www.nuffic.nl/en
International Association of Universities http://www.iau-aiu.net/
Bologna Process, European Higher Education Area http://www.ehea.info/
Study in the Czech Republic http://www.studyin.cz/
Ministry of the Interior – information for incoming foreign students
Study at institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic
Dům zahraniční spolupráce information about studying in the Czech Republic in english http://www.dzs.cz/en/