Erasmus + mobility with Great Britain after Brexit:
The decision on the future arrangements between the European Union and the United Kingdom does not affect the participation of the United Kingdom in the current Erasmus +/ European Solidarity Corps program (2014-2020). The change will apply for the calls announced under the Erasmus + 2021-2027 programming period.
The UK will fully participate in the Erasmus+ programme until the end of the current programming period, which means that EU students can study, do traineeships or volunteer in the UK under the current Erasmus+ programme in the academic year 2022/2023, according to individual agreements concluded by the sending higher education institutions.
Visa process:
From 1 January 2021, new visa requirements apply to EU students and a new points immigration system is introduced. To arrive in the UK, students must meet certain requirements. In order to obtain a student visa, they will need to achieve 70 points in the new system. A visa can be applied for at the earliest 6 months before the planned start of the study.
Students who come to the UK and who want to stay in the UK for more than 6 months must apply for a student visa. It will be possible to apply for a student visa up to 6 months before the planned start of the course/study program in 2021. The visa application fee is GBP 348, and it is also necessary to pay additional health insurance - more information can be found here:
Students from the EU/EFTA who come to the UK and want to stay in the UK for up to 6 months will be visa-free. More information is available here: It is recommended that sending organizations in the EU countries refer students to the need to follow UK Government guidance.
Future development:
The UK government has published a statement on a new Turing Scheme named after the British mathematician and the founder of modern informatics, which will replace the UK's participation in the Erasmus + programme and provide funding for outgoing HEIs student mobility placements starting in September 2021. The new scheme will operate for 1 year initially and will be managed by British Council and Ecorys partnership. More details are at
With regard to mobility from the EU to the UK, partner countries need to have national or institutional funding if they want to send university students to the UK. Cooperation with British universities will thus be possible, either through bilateral, inter-university or inter-faculty agreements, or in accordance with the rules of the Erasmus+ program in support of cooperation with third countries.
Current recommendations and information on the topic can be found at:
- UK points based immigration system information for EU citizens
- Student route caseworker guidance
- Guidance for EU students