Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Higher Education Department
Karmelitská 7
CZ - 118 12 Praha 1
PhDr. Jiří Smrčka, Ph.D.
phone: (+420) 234 811 488
e-mail: smrckaj@msmtcz
- applications for accreditation of study programmes
- commission’s working groups
- applications for accreditation of procedures for obtaining „venium docendi“ and procedures for appointments of professors
Jan Dvořák
phone: (+420) 234 811
e-mail: jan.dvorak@msmtcz
- private higher education institutions
- agenda AC
- foreign activities
- Annual Reports AC
Dana Mosazná
phone: (+420) 234 811
e-mail: dana.mosazna@msmtcz
- financial means of the AC and working groups
- administration of private higher education institutions
- commission’s working groups
- administration of AC website
- administration of databases
- administration meetings and activities AC
Zdenka Šmejkalová
phone: (+420 ) 234 811
e-mail: smejkalz@msmtcz
- preparation of materials
- administration of databases
- administration
Mgr. Jana Koziolová
phone: (+420 )
234 811 280
e-mail: koziolovaj@msmtcz
- foreign activities