The Czech Presidency has opened a way to fulfil another of its priorities. The meeting of the Competitiveness Council
devoted to research and development, under the baton of its acting President, Czech Minister of Education, Youth and
Sports Ondřej Liška, focused on two crucial topics: the Ljubljana Process and research infrastructures. Minister
Liška described both topics as another empowerment of the sphere of European research and promotion of new research
devices significant for Europe as a promising possible response to the current economic downturn.
‘In the present situation, the consensus on higher and more effective research and development investments that we
have reached here today with my colleagues from the other Member States is an important signal for all citizens.
Innovative companies and highly educated mobile scientist are an adequate strategy for the EU to combat the
recession,’ stated Minister Liška.
Both crucial topics underscore the EU ambition to lead the rapidly developing area of science and technology. With respect to the Ljubljana Process, Member States should achieve better science and development management according to a strategic document entitled ‘European Research Area Vision 2020’, whereas the Czech Presidency is responsible for processing the incremental implementation measures.
The topicality of the discussion on research infrastructures, which are one of the pillars of ‘Vision 2020’, and its close association with the global economic situation, is omnipresent. ‘It is also necessary to consider the research infrastructure investments with respect to their contribution to Europe’s long-term competitiveness, as confirmed by the EU heads of state and government in the Recovery Plan,’ added the Minister at the press conference after the Council.
The Council of Ministers responsible for research and development further addressed other points on the agenda, i.e. information from the Presidency and the European Commission on ex-post assessment of the sixth framework programme for research and development as well as information on the conclusions of the EUFORDIA conference, which took place on 24 – 25 February 2009 in Prague, and addressed an assessment of the impact of research and development investments on economic growth.
Mgr. Tomáš Bouška
Spokesperson of the MEYS for CZ PRES
tel.: +420 257 193 426
fax: +420 257 193 753
e-mail: tomas.bouska@msmt