Read about the programme of the conference.
- Do we need new paradigm to enable a better understanding of changing housing markets?
- Have traditionally local housing markets become global?
- Will record house price increases be followed by record price falls?
- How should we deal with the consequences of income polarization and housing market segmentation?
The next international ENHR Conference is organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic together with the Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science and University of Economics in
Prague Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. The conference theme is Changing Housing Markets: Integration
and Segmentation. The role and “power” of housing and mortgage markets are changing quickly around the world,
especially by the increasing influence these markets have on the wider economy and sustainable development of many
societies (social cohesion). The integration and segmentation of housing markets are two sides of the same coin.
While market integration is following the globalization of financial flows the rising popularity of residential
investments in abroad or capital pooling in the field of building materials production and housing development;
increasing income inequalities, the worsening of housing affordability, ethnic segregation, social exclusion and new
poverty are mostly cited to be behind growing market segmentation.
Press contact:
Mgr. Michaela Vojtkova, michaela.vojtkova@soccas
Organized by: Institute of Sociology of the AS CR, v. v. i., Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Science), University of Economics (Faculty of Economics and Public Administration)