Visit the interactive exposition NanoTruck: Invitation_nanoTruck.pdf (1,61 MB)
The conference EuroNanoForum 2009 will be established as a foremost European congress in Nanotechnology within the framework of the Czech presidency. The conference will address the impact of nanotechnologies on sustainable economy focusing on their applications in resource- and eco-efficient industrial production, environmental protection and remediation, and energy production and conservation in the coming years. It aims to:
- present the nanotechnology state of the art in the realm of sustainable economy;
- facilitate intensive exchange of views, information and experience between researches and representatives of industry, investors as well as policy makers and representatives of civil society;
- foster networking and knowledge transfer between different national and European stakeholders;
- support transformation of nanotechnology RTD into successful industrial applications;
- address crosscutting issues such as safety, education and communication of nanotechnology; and
- promote responsible governance and support of policy development in the field of nanotechnology.
View the flyer of the conference: ENF2009.pdf (375.76 KB)
View the programme of the conference.
Lukáš Mareček
Prague Congress Centre
5. kvetna 65
Prague 4, CZ 140 00
Phone: +420 261 174 304
Fax: +420 261 174 307
e-mail: info@euronanoforum2009eu