The last meeting of working group of the EU Council within the Czech Presidency, which regularly takes place in the Presidency country, will conclude the Czech Presidency of the EU Council in the field of education. It will mainly focus on reports about the outcomes of the Presidency conferences and meetings, current Commission's agenda and information on programme of incoming Swedish Presidency.
Programme: Edu committee_programme.pdf (236,86 KB)
Mgr. Libor Daněk
Odbor pro záležitosti EU
Oddělení Evropských politik ve vzdělávání
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Tel.: (420) 257 193 441 nebo (+420) 234 811 441 (NOVÉ ČÍSLO)
Mobil: (+420) 725 807 131
Fax: (+420) 257 193 346
E-mail: libor.danek@msmtcz