Programme_BFUG.pdf (178.33 KB)
Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) gathers representatives from 46 European countries and the European
Commission together with representatives of the international organisations in charge of higher education. The BFUG
is responsible for the follow up work between ministerial conferences to coordinate work programme. Meetings in
Prague are last before the Ministerial Conference on Bologna hosted at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve in April. Meetings
are important to finalise the agenda of working groups and putting forward the conclusions of the official Bologna
seminars and conferences and presenting documents necessary for evaluation of the last two years of development. The
other objective is to present visions of short term as well as long term strategy and to carry out work on the draft
of the ministerial communiqué, which is supposed to outline the development of higher education in the next decade
(Bologna Beyond 2010).
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