speech_by_Ondrej_Liska.pdf (111.94 KB)
The forum was opened with presentations from high-level representatives from the worlds
of business, higher education and politics. The topics addressed during the parallel sessions were:
• Modernising governance structures within universities
• Curriculum development:
• Entrepreneurship
• Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
• Knowledge Transfer
• Mobility:
The first University-Business Forum, which took place in February 2008, was successful: all stakeholders welcomed the
initiative of the Commission to provide on European level a platform for a structured dialogue between Higher
Education and business stakeholders.
The thematic forums on Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (June 2008), on
Curriculum Development and Entrepreneurship (October 2008) and on Knowledge Transfer
(November 2008) confirmed this assessment.
Mgr. Tomáš Bouška
Spokesperson of the MEYS for the CZ PRES
tel.: +420 257 193 426
fax: +420 257 193 753
e-mail: tomas.bouska@msmt