The conference was officially started by the Deputy Minister Jakub Dürr.
The Erasmus Mundus is a co-operation programme among the EU, EFTA and third countries in the field of higher education. The programme aims to promote European higher education, enhance dialogue between cultures and provide support to the professional lives of students.
The programme provides support to joint programmes at postgraduate level, setting up cooperation partnerships with institutions from third countries, mobility of students and academics and enhancing the attractiveness of European higher education for students outside Europe.
The first day of the event was dedicated to the meeting of coordinators of successful projects carried out during the first phase of the programme (2004-2008). In the evening, the European Commission hosted a reception, with speeches delivered by Odile Quintin (DG EAC), Jakub Dürr (Czech Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for European Affairs) and Koos Richelle (DG AIDCO).
The second day was dedicated to the launch conference, which was opened by Jakub Dürr.
The third day, an information day took place, for those interested in the Erasmus Mundus programme (2009-2013).
The conference was well attended, with almost 300 participants from countries of all continents. These comprised representatives of the relevant services of the European Commission, ministries, national agencies, universities and former students.
More information on Erasmus Mundus can be found on the website of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and on the European Commission' website.
Those interested in Erasmus Mundus and Tempus are invited to the information seminar, to be held at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 2 March 2009. You may register on-line on the website of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes.
Mgr. Tomáš Bouška
tiskový mluvčí MŠMT pro CZ PRES
tel.: +420 257 193 426
fax: +420 257 193 753
e-mail: tomas.bouska@msmtcz