Programme: programme_ye.doc (265.50 KB)
The Czech Republic is planning to organize a two-day conference on 3 and 4 June 2009 in Prague bringing together
young people from all Member States, Candidate and EFTA Countries. This conference is one of the biggest meetings of
young people actively voluntary working on European level regarding to European voluntary activities. The conference
is officially placed on the agenda of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council.
The aim of the Czech Youth Event is to finalize the evaluation of the Framework of Cooperation in the Field of Youth
on European level and to trigger the discussion about the future challenges within this Framework of Cooperation.
This aim is one of the priorities of the Czech Presidency in the youth field. The need of discussing the perspectives
of the follow-up activities concerning the cooperation in the Field of Youth in the year 2009 was introduced in the
Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the
Council, on addressing the concerns of young people in Europe - implementing the European Pact for Youth and
promoting active citizenship, dated on November 24, 2005. These perspectives should be negotiated in the framework of
the structural dialogue, in parallel with the priority topics being resolved in the framework of the open method of
coordination in the youth field and within the European Youth Pact, as well as with the horizontal priorities, which
have been approved in the youth field, e.g. prevention of discrimination and health.
The European Commission´s Communication on the future framework of cooperation in the field of youth which was
approved on 27th April 2009 will also be the base for the discussion.
The conference shall start with an introductory plenary session whose purpose will be to welcome the participants
officially by the representatives of the Czech Presidency, European Commission and guest speakers, e.g. Mr Jan
Mühlfeit, Chairman Europe of the Microsoft Corporation or Mr Tine Radinja, president of the European Youth Forum.
Moreover the participants will receive the information about the program, methodologies to be used and practicalities
and provide introductory input on the topic of the conference.
After the plenary sessions the participants will be given the option to join one of the 5 workshops. Each of the
workshops should cover all the topics from the Commission´s Communications. These topics are:
- Volunteering and education
- Better understanding of youth, youth work and research
- Information and participation
- Competitiveness, employment, entrepreneurship and fostering talents
- Social inclusion, health and sports
Each workshop will be facilitated by experienced facilitators with background in non-formal education. In addition,
the inputs, ideas and proposals will be collected by rapporteurs to be ready for presentations in the final plenary
session and ensuing follow-up. The final plenary session will then familiarise all the participants with the work
done within the individual workshops and propose a strategy and an action plan.
As a part of the sharing good practices the participants will have the opportunity to participate at the opening
session of the youth festival called "Bambiriáda". It is an annual 4 day festival showing the leisure activities in
the Czech Republic. Its aim is to show the important role of the youth organisations, youth volunteers and the
Leisure time centres to the public.
Part of the Youth Event is a half day meeting with the Directors Generals responsible for Youth. After the
introductory plenary session, we would like to organise "round tables". There will be about 10 groups of 20-24
people who will have the opportunity to discuss the results and recommendations of the Youth Event.
The participants will be 2-3 representatives of National Youth Councils from all Member States, candidate and EFTA
countries, representatives of the European Commission and European Youth Forum as well. If possible 1 of the
participants should be well informed person who is working already long time in the youth field and has participated
at the Youth Event before, and person who is new, who can contribute with the new points of view Altogether we are
expecting about 125 participants.
More information:
Contact: Mr Tomas Kubik, tomas.kubik@msmtcz
The event is prepared with financial contribution from the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture)