The public or private higher education institutions enters the evaluation if it was, at the time of submission of materials for evaluation, i.e. no later than March 31 2020, registered in the List of Research Organizations pursuant to Section 33a of the Act on Support for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation, evaluated by Research, Development and Innovation Council in modules M1 and M2, and submits all required documents complete and within the set deadlines.
Self-evaluation report for Evaluation of Research Organisations in the Universities Segment in the year 2020:
Evaluation report for Evaluation of Research Organisations in the Universities Segment in the year 2020:
I. Introduction for Evaluators_ER
International Evaluation Panel Member form
Appendix to the IEP Member form_EN
All essential materials are to be submitted in English.
With any questions please refer to hodnoceniVS20@msmtcz
Contact person:
Mgr. et Mgr. Iveta Ptáčníková
Head of Department of the Evaluation of Research Organisations
Ministry of Education, Youthe and Sports
Karmelitská 529/5
118 12 Praha 1
tel: +420 234 811 194
e-mail: iveta.ptacnikova@msmtcz