In 2025, a second complete evaluation of research organisations in the higher education segment will take place. Higher education institutions (HEI) will be evaluated according to the updated Methodology for the Evaluation of Research Organisations in the Higher Education Institutions Segment 2025+ (Methodology HEI2025+), currently being prepared for approval by the Government of the Czech Republic.
As of 2020, HEIs will be evaluated based on the submitted Self-Evaluation Reports by the International Evaluation Panels (IEP). The organisational aspects of the evaluation, including the establishment and coordination of the IEP, will be conducted in cooperation between the provider and the HEIs, as in the previous evaluation. The HEI will be evaluated in five modules according to the Methodology for the Evaluation of Research Organisations and Evaluation of Programmes of Special Purpose Support for Research, Development, and Innovation approved by Government Resolution No 107 of 8 February 2017 (Methodology 17+). The results for 2019-2023 (Module 3) and 2020-2024 (Modules 4 and 5) will be evaluated to maintain continuity with the previous evaluation.
A HEI may apply for evaluation by the Provider if:
- It is a HEI according to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., the Higher Education Act.
- It falls within the scope of the relevant provider of institutional support to the LCDRO under Section 4(2)(a) of the Act on Support for Research, Experimental Development, and Innovation.
- RDIC evaluates it in Modules 1 and 2.
- It submits a Proposal for Evaluation of HEI by the Provider.
- It submits all required materials complete and within the specified deadlines.
Documentation for of Evaluation of Research Organisations in the segment of HEI
If you have any questions, please use the contact email hodnoceniVS2025@msmtgovcz.
Mgr. Vojtěch Fikar
tel: +420 234 811 186
mobile: +420 777 491 016
PhDr. Sandra Štollová, Ph.D.
tel: +420 234 811 461
mobile: +420 778 472 743
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports
Karmelitská 529/5
118 12 Praha 1
Telephonic consultations Mon-Fry 9:00-15:00