Call for registration for the evaluators of overall quality of projects in Priority Axis 3 of OP RDI
The Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation (OP RDI) is in
connection with calls for proposals launched under the OP RDI launching a call for registration of potential
evaluators who fulfil requirements for the evaluators of overall quality of projects.
Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme (RDIOP, OP VaVpI in Czech)
During the monitoring of the project plans of the RDIOP, which was completed on 3rd March 2008, the Management
Body succeeded in collecting information on a total of 173 project plans. Monitoring in no way meant a
decision as to which projects will be supported from the RDIOP.
Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme Period 2007–2013 (ECOP, OP VK in Czech)
The Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP) is a multi-year thematic programme under
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR (MEYS), within which it is possible to
draw financial means from the European Social Fund (ESF), one of the structural funds of the European Union (EU), in
the programming period 2007 – 2013.