Prague 20. January 2011 - Potential evaluators can register into the OP RDI evaluator database only if they fulfil the requirements below.
I. General qualification criteria:
- university education
- active knowledge of English (meetings of the evaluation committee with attendance of foreign evaluators will take place in English)
II. Professional eligibility requirements for evaluators of overall quality of projects in call 3.3 of Priority Axis 3 Technology transfer centres:
Basic eligibility requirements:
1. Experience of at least 3 years with managing and/or operating technology transfer centres (e.g. devising the rules of technology transfer, research and evaluation of the commercial potential of R&D results, identifying potential partners for commercialization, protection of intellectual property rights related to the R&D results). It is necessary to list relevant practical experience.
2. Experience with projects in the area of technology transfer – preparation, implementation, management or evaluation; substantial contribution to or participation in at least two cases of successful technology transfer. It is necessary to list relevant practical experience.
3. Experience with commercialization of R&D results (e.g. with establishing a new company, transferring a licence, mediating contractual research); substantial contribution to at least two cases of commercialization of R&D results. It is necessary to list relevant practical experience and cases.
At least one of the aforementioned requirements must be fulfilled.
All experts must evidence their professional resume and statutory declaration confirming the correctness of given information and fulfilment of eligibility requirements.
The attached resume must unequivocally show that the aforementioned eligibility
requirements are fulfilled. Please submit your resume per e-mail – signed and scanned on following e-mail
address: evaluators@msmtcz