The area of recognition of professional qualifications for the purposes of practising a profession had not been regulated in the Czech Republic until 1st May 2004. In particular, the need for thorough regulation of the principles for the free movement of persons in accordance with the requirements of the European Union with the aim of free claims to the labour market of the European Union led to the acceptance of Act No. 18/2004 Coll., On the Recognition of Professional Qualification and Other Eligibility of Citizens of Member States of the European Union and Some Citizens of Other States and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (Act on Recognition of Professional Qualifications), which took effect on the day of the Czech Republic’s accession to the European Union.
The issues of mutual recognition of professional qualifications for the purposes of practising a profession affect cca 330 professions and professional activities in the Czech Republic, in whose case legislation regulates the conditions for entry to these professions and professional activities and the conditions for their practice. These are the regulated professions and regulated professional activities.
The list of regulated professions including the detailed information about required competences you can find on the Czech Database of Regulated Professions:
The European Union Database of Regulated Professions, where you can find regulated profession of each EU State Member, is available at: