A thematic seminar on classification and rankings of universities for members of BFUG as well as the representatives of Czech Rectors´ Conference and Council of Higher Education Institutions. The event will address the latest developments in university classification/typology and rankings (by presentations of conclusions from studies and projects) and will open a discussion on the impact of university classification/typology also in connection with further higher education developments.
Program to download: Programme_Seminar.pdf (70.37 KB)
Download the presentations of the speakers:
Frans van Vught, CHEPS: Frans 1_Vught_U_Map.ppt (766,50 KB)
Frans Kaiser, CHEPS: 2_Kaiser_CZ_Pres_UMap.ppt (1,30 MB)
Astrid Lægreid, University of Trondheim: 3_Praha_Feb09_Laegreid_talk.ppt (4,52
Toril Johansson, Norwegian Ministry of Edu and Research: 4_Johansson.ppt (611,00 KB)
Gero Federkeil, CHE: 5_Prague_090213_federkeil.ppt (692,50 KB)
View the video from the conference.
The event is prepared with financial contribution from the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture)
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