Switchboard: 234 811 111
Address of the MEYS: Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Prague 1
Registry for the Public: Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Accreditation of the MEYS for the further education of pedagogical employees
The necessary, initial information is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Education/ Education of Pedagogues/ Accreditation in the DVPP (FEPE) System + other subsections on the DVPP (FEPE).
Jurisdiction: Department 25 – PhDr. Dana Hamerníková – tel.: 234 811 247, dana.hamernikova@msmt.cz.
Accreditation of the MEYS for the area of adult education, including requalification
The necessary, initial information is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Education/ Further Education; Requalification.
Jurisdiction: Department 20, Unit 201 – Ing. Iva Horčičková – tel.: 234 811 442, iva.horcickova@msmt.cz; also Mgr. Lenka Vlčková – tel.: 234 811 487, lenka.vlckova@msmt.cz.
BOZ (Safety and Health Protection) of Children, Pupils and Students of Schools and Educational Facilities – regulations and methodological assistance
The safety and health protection of children, pupils and students during education and activities directly related with it and when providing school services is ensured by the schools and educational facilities as is determined in Section 29 of Act No. 561/2004 Coll. (the Education Act) and specified in the related Decrees No. 14/2005 Coll., On Preschool Education, and No. 48/2005 Coll., On Elementary Education. Guidelines Ref. No. 37014/2005-25 on ensuring the safety and health protection of children, pupils and students in schools and educational facilities founded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports have also been issued. Decree No. 410/2005 Coll. On hygienic standards in education, the Ministry of Health has issued Decree No. 410/2005 Coll.
In addition, practical and methodological assistance in this regard may be provided by the National Children and Youth Institute of the MEYS (www.idm-msmt.cz), which has long-term experience with the leisure-time activities of children and youth.
Copies of school documents (and what to do if they have been irreparably damaged)
Duplicates of school documents can be provided to you by the relevant school (the founding entities of public elementary schools are the municipalities; the founding entities of public secondary schools are the regions).
Information on the possible succession school after 1996 (after the relevant school ceased to exist) can be provided by Department 25 of the MEYS, School Register Department (for contact information, please call the switchboard 234 811 111 or send an email to info@msmt.cz).
If you cannot find the specific succession school that could issue a duplicate of your school documents through Department 21 of the MEYS, please contact the relevant archives (initial contacts can be obtained at www.cesarch.cz or at www.nacr.cz).
Further, if the documents from the area of education have been irreparably damaged either in the school itself, already before they were archived or in the relevant archives, then it is necessary to proceed in accordance with the Directive of the MEYS for the issuance of replacement documents for lost or damaged certificates from elementary, special and secondary schools and diplomas from higher vocational institutes with Registration No. 29210/98-20 (see the Bulletin of the MEYS No. 1/1999).
Information on the protection of personal data
This issue is governed by the provisions of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the Protection of Personal Data..., and is in the jurisdiction of the Office of Personal Data Protection: ÚOOÚ, Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7; tel.: 234 665 111; fax: 234 665 444; info@uoou.cz; www.uoou.cz.
List of standardised language examinations and overview of the most commonly available language examinations in the Czech Republic
A list of the standardised examinations is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Education/ Language Education/ Decision of the MEYS determining the List of Standardised Language Examinations.
An overview of the most common examinations is also available in the section Education/ Language Education/ Language Education in the CR/ Overview of the Most Commonly Available Language Examinations in the CR.
Jurisdiction: Department 23 – PhDr. Marie Černíková – tel.: 234 811 818, marie.cernikova@msmt.cz.
MEYS subsidies for the area of sport and work with children and youth
The initial information on how to proceed if you want to apply for a subsidy through the MEYS is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz.
For the area of sport, see the section Sport and Physical Education/ Subsidies/ Investment and Non-Investment.
For the area of work with children and youth, see the section Youth/ Subsidies/Grants.
Jurisdiction for the area of sport: Department 50 – tel.: 234 811 811.
Jurisdiction for work with children and youth: Department 51 – secretariat: Mrs Alena Šmiedová – tel.: 234 811 101, alena.smiedova@msmt.cz.
On language examinations (including translation and interpreting)
More detailed information on the various types and levels of language examinations (e.g. for attaining the status of translator and/or interpreter) can be provided by the Language School of the Capital City of Prague, Školská 15, 116 72 Prague 1; telephone to the registration office: 222 232 235, telephone to the secretariat of the director: 222 232 236 (email: sekretariat@sjs.cz), telephone to the English Unit: 222 232 237 (email: vao@sjs.cz).
Placement of employees into pay grades
The placement into a pay grade is generally determined not only by education but also by the character of work done and is entirely in the hands of the employer. Pay grades are available on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs – see www.mpsv.cz / Guide for the Personnel and Pay Rate Administration in Public Services and Administration/ Appendices (tables) on the Czech Government Regulation No. 564/2006.
Possibilities for financing your studies (links)
The necessary initial information on the prospective opportunities to finance study is available i.a. on the following websites:
- www.internationalscholarships.com,
- www.europa.eu.int/ploteus,
- www.neziskovky.cz,
- www.icm.cz,
- www.dzs.cz in the section AIA (Academic Information Agency).
The listed institutions should provide practical assistance to students (secondary schools, higher vocational schools as well as higher education institutions) in the sense that they provide advice on prospectively how to obtain a certain stipend or loan or student job and so on in the given situation.
Recognition of education from elementary schools to higher vocational schools abroad for the CR (validation)
This issue comes under the jurisdiction of the departments of education of the regional authorities, according to the residence of the applicant. In case it is not possible to specify the regional authority according to the permanent residence of the applicant for recognition of his/her foreign education – in case of the foreigner according to his/her place of residence – is this followed by the place where he/she applied for the recognition.
Please inquire there which documents are necessary for validation (certainly they include a final graduate’s document (certificate) and study plan, which is issued to the applicant by the relevant school). It is possible to validate only the relevant level of education completed, not certificates for the educational courses.
Recognition of education in the CR from elementary schools to higher vocational institutes for abroad (legalisation)
First it is necessary to go to the MEYS, Educational System Unit (Department 220), to see Mgr. Eva Jermanová (tel.: 234 811 703, email: legalizace@msmt.cz) with the originals or notarised copies of all the relevant alumni documents and with a revenue stamp for 100 CZK for each document which you need to have legalised. Then, it is necessary to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Consular Unit – the address, telephone and office hours can be found on the website of the MFA, www.mzv.cz.
Recognition of foreign higher education for the CR (validation)
Validation is always initiated on the basis of an individual application of a graduate of the relevant higher education institution abroad and also includes the recognition of doctoral studies from abroad.
It is necessary to apply for the issuance of a certificate of recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic at a higher education institution in the Czech Republic that provides a study programme of similar content. The issuance of the recognition certificate is governed by Sections 89 and 90 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education Institutions, as subsequently amended.
Should you need specialised consultation, please contact the MEYS, email: nostrifikace@msmt.cz .
Recognition of higher education in the CR for abroad (legalisation)
First, it is necessary to go to the MEYS, Higher Education Institution Department (Department 300), to see Mr. Jiří Johánek (tel.: 234 811 532, email: jiri.johanek@msmt.cz )with the originals or notarised copies of all the relevant alumni documents and with a revenue stamp for 100 CZK. Then, it is necessary to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Consular Unit – the address, telephone and office hours can be found on the website of the MFA, www.mzv.cz.
Regulations and instructions on founding a school or educational facility
Establishing a school or educational facility is covered by the provisions of Sections 146, 147 and 148 of Act No. 561/2004 Coll. (the Education Act).
The full text version of the Act is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz, in the section Documents/ Acts. Other necessary information on the given problem is available in the section Documents/ Order of the Minister/ Instruction No. 1/2005.
Jurisdiction: Department 25 – secretariat: Mrs Jaromíra Řadová – tel.: 234 811 740, jaromira.radova@msmt.cz.
A special way of fulfilling the compulsory school attendance (children of parents abroad or in foreign schools on the territory of the Czech Republic)
The problem of special fulfilment of the compulsory school attendance is governed by the provisions of Section 38 of Act No. 561/2004 Coll. (the Education Act) and Section 18 of Decree No. 48/2005 on Elementary Education.
(The Act and Decree are available on the website of the MEYS www.msmt.cz in the section Documents/ Acts, Decrees.)
Practical assistance to the parents in the given problem can be provided by the director of the relevant catchment elementary school (= of the elementary school which the student would otherwise ‘normally’ attend) or another school listed in the Directory of Schools and Educational Institutions selected by the legal representative of the pupil.
Jurisdiction: Department 22 – Mgr. Svatopluk Pohořelý – tel.: 234 812 132, svatopluk.pohorely@msmt.cz.
Study abroad and health and social insurance as well as prospective further social relief
All the necessary information (method as well as application form) on study at a foreign Secondary School or Higher Vocational Institute is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Education/ Study Abroad (state support). Further details or questions can be consulted with Ing. Miroslava Mayerová of Department 20 (tel.: 234 811 685; miroslava.mayerova@msmt.cz ).
All the necessary information on study at a foreign Higher Education Institution is available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Education/ Higher Education/ Social Issues/ Recognition of Study at a Foreign Higher Education Institution for Health and Social Purposes. For further details or clarifications, please consult Mrs Hana Boháčová of Department 30 (tel.: 234 811 324; jana.bohacova@msmt.cz).
Where are school regulations (acts, decrees, legal interpretations, etc.) available?
They are available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz in the section Documents/ Acts; Decrees; Legal Interpretations of the MEYS; Directives of the MEYS; Order of the Minister; Bulletins of the MEYS; Annual Reports; Prizes of the MEYS; Other Documents.
Where are the lists of schools and educational facilities of the Czech Republic available?
Lists of schools and educational facilities of the CR excluding higher education institutions are available on the website of the IIE – www.uiv.cz, section for parents and pupils / Directory of Schools and Educational Institutions. (For further questions and details, please contact info@uiv.cz.)
The lists of higher education institutions of the CR are available on the website of the MEYS – www.msmt.cz, in the section Education/ Higher Education/ Overview of Higher Education Institutions.
Where can I obtain applications for Secondary Schools, Higher Vocational Schools, Higher Education Institutions?
- through SEVT publishing house – http://www.sevt.cz/
- through NYIC MEYS (Youth Information Centre of the MEYS) – Na Poříčí 1035/4, 110 00 Praha ; telephones: 221 850 850, 221 850 860; email: info@nicm.cz; website: www.nicm.cz.
National Youth Information Centre of the MEYS
Contacts: Na Poříčí 1035/4, 110 00 Praha 1; tel.: 221 850 850, 221 850 860; email: info@nicm.cz; website: www.nicm.cz.
Main areas of information provided on education:
- on selecting a profession – tests for pupils of the 8th and 9th forms of elementary schools
- on year-long preparation courses for secondary schools and higher education institutions
- on completing study at elementary and secondary schools – basic, orientational information;
more detailed counselling for Elementary Schools and Secondary General Schools (Grammar Schools) – through the Customer Information Centre of the Institute for Information in Education (CIC IIE): ruzicko@uiv.cz; (www.uiv.cz);
more detailed counselling for secondary vocational schools and apprentice training centres – through the National Institute for Vocational Education (NIVE): nuov@nuov.cz; (www.nuov.cz)
- on post-secondary and extension courses
- on applications to secondary schools, higher vocational institutes and higher education institutions
- on study, work and inexpensive travel abroad – information also directly at: eurodesk@adam.cz (www.eurodesk.cz)
- on discount cards – for students and youth up to 26 years of age; for teachers; for pedagogues of leisure-time activities of children and youth