1. Obtain the application form for recognition of professional qualifications here or from respective recognition authority. In case the applicant intends to pursue a regulated profession as a self-employed trade license holder or agent in trade acting under supervision the recognition authority is Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2. Fill in the application and submit the requested documents.
Pursuant to the Section 22 Par. 2 of the Act on Recognition of Professional Qualifications (hereinafter as "the Act") the applicant states the following information in the application:
- first name and surname,
- the date of birth, nationality,
- Permanent address
- Delivery address if it differs from the permanent address
- the regulated profession he/she intends to pursue in the Czech Republic;
- the form of the pursuit of the regulated profession
The application must be supported by:
- the identity card or other evidence of nationality and if applicable the evidence certifying legal stand introduced in the Section 1 Par. 2 of the Act n. 18/2004 Col. Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (copy, however, the competent authority is entitled to require to see the original document)
- the evidence of professional qualifications;
- the evidence of other competence, if necessary;
- the document confirming payment of an administrative fee.
The administrative fee for submission of the application form for Recognition of Professional Qualifications amounts to 2.000, - CZK. If the role of a recognition authority is processed by a professional chamber, the fee for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications will be specified by the respective chamber regulations.
The evidence of professional qualification includes:
- Evidence of education and training
which clearly specifies the educational level achieved (i.e. elementary, secondary, post-secondary, higher - bachelor or master degree) while equally implies the duration and content of the education and training received.
- Document confirming pursuit of a respective profession,
providing information necessary for examining the application for Recognition of Professional Qualifications, in particular duration, content and form of the pursuit of the respective profession.
Documents about the professional qualification shall be submitted as the special legislation regulating access and pursuit of the profession requires. This information can be verified in the database of regulated professions and activities or shall be provided by the competent recognition authority.
Attached documents can be submitted in a copy (not certified). However, according to Title 22 Section 6 the recognition authority is entitled to require certified copy in case of serious doubts.
Documents proving professional qualification and other competence must be submitted in Czech unless an international treaty binding the Czech Republic, determines otherwise (Haag Convention of Cancelling the Requirement of Foreign Public Document Authentication).Notarized translation is not necessary. However, in case of serious doubts the recognition authority is entitled to require notarized translation by one of the interpreters on the List of Experts and Translators.
Documents proving other competence should not be issued more than 3 months ago, except for document that proves applicant’s sound financial management
3. The filled-in application form with the annexes must be submitted to the competent recognition authority.
It is also possible to submit the application to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports that is obliged to pass it to the competent authority without any delays. The process of recognition of the professional qualifications is held in Czech.
4. Decision on the application
Pursuant to Section 24 Par. 5 of the Act, the recognition authority is obliged to decide without any delays, but in the deadline of 60 days since the complete application has been submitted, i.e. including all data and necessary documents required for the examination. In case of particularly complex matter, the recognition authority, according the Section 25, Par 2, is obligated to come to a decision within the period of 90 days.
When the decision come into legal force, the recognition authority is obliged to return the applicant's submitted documents within 15 working days (the evidence of professional qualifications, the evidence of other competence or the proof of nationality), if the documents were attached as originals or as certified copies.
The recognition authority issues a decision stating that:
- Professional qualification is recognised; or
- application for recognition of professional qualification is rejected
In case of substantial differences the competent authority may impose a compensation measure. The applicant may choose from
- adaptation period (generally no longer that 3 years)
- aptitude test
5. It is possible to appeal against the recognition authority decision.
Against the decisions issued by a central administrative body as a central recognition authority may be submitted an appeal (Section 152, Administrative procedure act) as for the matters of recognition of professional qualifications. Minister or the head of central administrative authority hears the appeal considering the opinion of a special commission, so called "permanent appeal commission." Time for appealing is limited to 15 days after the announcement of the decision (with the exception that the applicant was not duly informed about the possibility to appeal and the respective period to do - see Section 84 and 85 of the Administrative procedure act.) The period for hearing the appeal, i.e. issue of decision about the appeal, is governed by section 71 of the Administrative procedure act.
In some cases, the decisions may be reviewed by court on basis of either administrative (Section 65 of Act No. 150/2002 Coll. Administrative courts procedure Act) or civil action (Section 246 of Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil court procedure act). Administrative action may be submitted, if the decision of recognition authority violates rights of the applicant, is incompetent or unlawful. Civil action may be submitted, if the recognition authority rendered a decision within its competence, but about a civil case (Section 68, lit. b) of the Administrative courts procedure Act). Appeal period set out according the nature of action - administrative or civil (Section 72 of Act No. 150/2002 coll. and Section 247 of Act No.99/1963 Coll.: "The action shall be submitted in 2 months period since the delivery of the decision issued by administrative authority)."