The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter "the MEYS") announces results of the third group of the proposals submitted under the Call for proposals of non-research initiatives no. SMSM20167F1 which was opened on 18 July 2016 and is funded from the Fund for bilateral relations for the purpose of meeting the objectives Measure B, within the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme CZ09 (the "Programme").
More information about the Call for proposals can be obtained on the web site:
In the third group, 3 proposals were submitted. Of this number, no proposal was identified as incomplete due to formal deficiencies by the Commission for accepting project proposals (hereinafter "the Commission"). The eligible proposals were evaluated by the Commission in terms of meeting the objectives of the Call and the compliance with the programme area. An outcome of evaluation, when 3 proposals were found to be consistent with the objectives of the call and the programme area, was subsequently discussed with the Programme Committee of the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme CZ09 (hereinafter "the Committee") which agreed with the outcome of the Commission.
The MEYS, on the recommendation of the Commission and the Committee, approved the provision of institutional support for 3 initiatives with financial range from CZK 200,000 to CZK 800,000 (List no. 1 – List of initiatives approved to provide institutional support). Therefore, the MEYS is going to support the initiatives approved for their implementation in the total amount of CZK 1,297,000.
No proposal was declined and the total allocation covers the approved amount of financial support so there was not compiled any reserve list.
The results of 3rd group were approved on 9 February 2017 as follows:
1. The list no. 1 – The List of initiatives approved to provide institutional support:
List no. 1- List of approved initiatives_3.g.BF.pdf, soubor typu pdf, (360,4 kB)
The results were announced on 10 February 2017. To this date, MEYS has approved institutional support in the total amount of CZK 14,379,000.
However, the call was already closed on 20 January 2017.