The frameworks documents are as follows:
- The Programme Agreement between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
- Regulations on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
- Annex 4 Information and Publicity Requirements EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
- Annex 12 Rules for the Establishment of Donorship Programme falling under the Programme Areas “Research within Priority sectors” and “Bilateral Research Cooperation”
With the aim of the project implementation, it is recommended the Programme Promoters to study above mentioned framework documents.
All implementation procedures including the regulations and annexes can be found on the web of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (the National Focal Point) in the part Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
Other necessary framework documents of European and national legislation relating to the implementation of projects:
- Framework for state aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C 198/1)
- Regulation of the Commission (EU) no. 651/2014 dated 17 June 2014;
- Act no. 130/2002 Coll., On support for research, experimental development and innovation from public funds and amending certain related laws (Act on Support of Research and Development), as amended.
All the guidelines of the National Focal Point and in particular:
- Methodology of financial flows, monitoring and certification of programs financed by the Financial Mechanisms of the European Economic Area and Norway in the programming period 2009-2014
- Guidelines of the National Focal Point for eligible expenditures EEA and Norwegian Funds 2009-2014
- Guidelines of the National Focal Point to public procurement of small scale financed from the EEA and Norwegian Funds 2009-2014 – instructions you can find HERE.
- Guide for Applicants describing the challenge and criteria for selecting project proposals and specifies the eligibility of expenditure incurred by beneficiaries.
- Project contract on provision of the institutional support to the international cooperation project in the field of research and development within the Framework of the Czech-Norwegian research Programme CZ09, File no. MSMT-28477/2014Přeložit z jazyka: [1]čeština which is concluded between the Programme Promoter and the Programme Operator (MEYS).
Contract pattern refers to HERE.
Information and Publicity Requirements – (see the above Annex 4 Rules)
For more see Information on Communication and Publicity of Projects in Programme CZ09, MEYS.