Registration deadline: March 10th, 2022
To register your institution as a potential host institution, please download and fill in the registration form. Registration form can be downloaded here:
Registration form for HI CR, soubor typu docx, (25,82 kB)
Completed and signed registration forms need to be submitted by March 10th, 2022
via e-mail programdioscuri@msmtcz
via data box (vidaawt).
In the data box message the field “Subject” (“Věc”) must be filled in “DIOSCURI – Registration Form for HI” and the field “K rukám” must be filled in “Oddělení 33”.
Registration form must be submitted by both e-mail and data box.
To give you a comprehensive overview of the Dioscuri Programme’s funding and application procedures, we offer webinars. We kindly invite you to take part in one of our three webinars scheduled for:
A - Monday, 24.01.2022, 14:00-15:30 CET
B - Wednesday, 09.02.2022, 14:00-15:30 CET
C - Thursday, 17.02.2022, 14:00-15:30 CET
To register for the webinar, please send an email to programdioscuri@msmtcz. Enter "Webinar A/B/C" in the subject
line of the e-mail, depending on which of the dates you are registering for. In the e-mail, please also indicate
your name and institution.
After successful registration via e-mail, you will receive a link to the event.
This is a general invitation to declare your interest and willingness to host a DC in a certain research area.
All submissions meeting the formal requirements will then be listed among the research institutions capable of acting as host institution for a Dioscuri Centre.
More information can be found in the following file:
Invitation_Registration of Potential Host Institutions, soubor typu pdf, (85,08 kB)