What national governments should do to implement a credit system for higher education in line with EHEA commitments?
4 June 2019
Grandium Prague, Politických vězňů 913/12, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czech Republic
The conference was organized within the framework of the Thematic Peer Group A on Qualification Frameworks which was established by the BFUG to promote the implementation of the Key Commitment 1: a three-cycle system compatible with the overarching frameworks of the EHEA and first and second cycle degrees scaled by ECTS. One of the subthemes of the Peer Group is the complete implementation of the ECTS User’s Guide.
The conference was open to representatives of EHEA governments, representatives of national agencies responsible for ECTS and/or EHEA issues and quality assurance agencies representatives.
Photos from the conference:
Presentations from the conference are available at the webpage of the Thematic Peer Group A at the section "Other events".
9:00–10:00 |
Registration and coffee |
10:00–10:30 |
Welcome speech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic Klara Engels-Perenyi, European Commission |
10:30–11:00 |
ECTS foundations and development Robert Wagenaar, The University of Groningen |
11:00–11:45 |
Current situation of ECTS: the responsibilities of countries and institutions and needs Anita Kremo, European Commission Monika Skadborg, European Students Union |
11:45–12:15 |
Coffee break |
12:15–13:30 |
Establishment of national credit systems Janne Pukk, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research Vusala Gurbanova, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
moderated by Ann Katherine Isaacs, Vice-chair Bologna Follow-up Group |
13:30–14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30–15:30 |
Parallel sessions I. |
Session A: Developing course catalogues
Maria Sticchi Damiani, Bologna Expert |
Session B: Producing grade distribution tables for grade conversion Frederik De Decker, Ghent University |
15:30–16:30 |
Parallel sessions II. |
Session C: Developing credit recognition procedures Maria Sticchi Damiani, Bologna Expert |
Session D: ECTS from the perspective of QA mechanism in Georgia Lasha Margishvili, National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement |
16:30–17:00 |
Closing Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Ann Katherine Isaacs, Vice-chair Bologna Follow-up Group |
17:00–17:30 |
Coffee and networking |
Grandium Prague, Politických vězňů 913/12, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czech Republic
5 minutes walk from Muzeum (metro line A, C), Hlavní nádraží (Prague Main Train Station, metro line C), Můstek (metro
line B, C), Jindřišská (tram stop)
Arrival by plane: Bus No. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín station, change to metro line A to Muzeum station (exit Václavské
náměstí), 5min walk via Washingtonova street.
Tereza Kotaskova (tereza.kotaskova@msmtcz)
Lucie Trojanová (lucie.trojanova@msmtcz)