On 29 November, 2013, The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), in cooperation with the Research Council of Norway, is pleased to announce a Call for proposals 2013 in the programme area Bilateral Research Cooperation under the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme (formerly CZ09 Research Support Fund) in the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (FM 2).
The Programme is aimed to enhance research cooperation between Czech and Norwegian entities – research organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises - in basic and applied research and experimental development.
Supported themes are social sciences and humanities, health and environment.
The total amount available from the Programme through the Call for proposals 2013 is € 13 088 235 (336 236 000 CZK). This amount will be combined with resources made available by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the amount of € 3 272 051 (84 059 000 CZK). The portions are 80 % Programme : 20 % MEYS.
The Call for proposals 2013 is open from 14:00 29/11/2013 to 14:00 03/02/2014 CET (Prague, the Czech Republic).
The complete text of the Call for proposals 2013, a project proposal form and Call documents are available below.
The whole text of the Call for proposals 2013 in format pdf:
- The text of the Call for proposals 2013 in English
Call CZ09 2013_EN.pdf, soubor typu pdf, (313,23 kB)
Call documents:
1. Project proposal form (application) and List of subareas
CZ09 Project proposal form.docx, soubor typu docx, (716,33
List of subareas.xlsx, soubor typu xlsx, (665,45
2. Annexes of project proposal form
Annex II Statutory declaration on Research Organisation Status.docx, soubor typu docx, (668,67 kB)
Annex III Draft of Partnership agreement.docx, soubor typu docx, (663,16 kB)
(126,50 KB)
Annex V Statutory Declarations.docx, soubor typu docx, (670,92 kB)
Annex VI Consent to processing personal data.docx, soubor typu docx, (664,59 kB)
Annex VII CV template.doc, soubor typu doc, (847,5 kB)
Annex VIII_Abstract for evaluators.docx, soubor typu docx, (660,83 kB)
Annex IX Statutory declaration on category of enterprise.docx, soubor typu docx, (671,49 kB)
3. Guide for Applicant
Guide for Applicants.pdf, soubor typu pdf, (923,9 kB)
4. Guide for Evaluators
Guide for Evaluators.pdf, soubor typu pdf, (486,1 kB)
The text of the Call for proposals in Czech:
FM 2 rules and related information also on:
http://www.eeagrants.cz/ (Czech)
http://www.forskningsradet.no/en/Funding/EEA_Czech_Republic/1253990540637?lang=en (English)
http://eeagrants.org/ (English)
Questions and queries to the Programme Operator
For additional information, contact (working days, from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm CET /Prague/)
- Jana Bystřická – office:
+ 420 234 811 242 (jana.bystricka@msmtcz) or
- Pavla Kačabová – office:
+420 234 811 178 (pavla.kacabova@msmtcz) or
- Štěpán Obrtlík – office:
+420 234 811 665 (stepan.obrtlik@msmtcz)
Contact person at the Research Council of Norway
- Aleksandra Witczak Haugstad +47 22 03 74 16 (awh@rcnno)